Cancellation & Return
Cancellation & Return
- If you have placed an order online, you can cancel it and get a full refund within 24 hours of placing it. After this period, we cannot accept any cancellations or refunds.
- Once your order is dispatched, it cannot be cancelled or updated. This means any changes or modifications to your order, including cancellation, will not be possible once it has been shipped out from our warehouse. Therefore, it is important to carefully review and confirm your order details before submitting your purchase to avoid any inconvenience.
- You can modify or adjust your online orders within 24 hours of placing them by contacting us through live chat, email, or call.
- In the event your order remains undelivered, is lost in transit, is incomplete, or arrives damaged, etc., please contact our customer service executives via our live chat or at ( or + 91-9773768981).
- If you have any questions or concerns regarding your order or transaction, our customer service team at ( is always available to assist you.